Unsuccessful deactualization. Five episodes from the history of logic in Russia
In Russian history logic has repeatedly been persecuted, excluded, and alienated. In the 15th century it was called to be connected with the “heresy of the Judaizers”, in the 17th century it was believed to be the result of the influence of “Latinism”, in the 19th century it was considered a manifestation of the “one-sided Western rationalism”, and in the 20th century logic was defined as a manifestation of the “metaphysical bourgeois philosophy”. How can one explain that the formal discipline, which, on the face of it, is completely indifferent to religion or ideology, happened to be in the “zone of cultural exclusion”? The author of the article assumes that the rejection of logic is caused precisely by its formalism. It is well known that the historical significance of Aristotle’s logic is determined primarily by the principle that both the rightness of thinking and the unity of knowledge result from the correct forms of reasoning rather than from the traditions, authorities, or beliefs. Ethics is known to have achieved the same formalism as soon as it abandoned the rigid and unambiguous regulation of actions in favour of the formal imperative. Government regulation has developed the same way, that is why the traditional blood relationships and religious customs were changed by state laws. The author concludes that the denial of formalism in all these three areas (logic, ethics, and politics) is an inevitable element of the traditionalistic type of thinking.
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