In a world of elusive meanings

  • Mikhail Aronovich Blumenkranz Almanac "Second Navigation"
Keywords: symbolic reality, sacred symbolism, truth, freedom, intellectual elite, noumenal world


The article discusses the topic of spiritual substitutions and their relationship to symbolic reality. Substitutions can occur both at the level of value hierarchy, up to substitution of the hierarchy itself, and in the ways of symbolic reality embodiment in the concrete reality. The author analyzes the phenomenon of symbol transformation into an emblem, which, in fact, is a form of symbol substitution. Unlike the symbol that provides communication of consciousness with the transcendental, with the spiritual foundations of man’s existence, the emblem is deprived of such communication and is only able to simulate such communication, being just an imitation of simbolic meanings. The process of replacing the symbol with the emblem is considered in the modern socio-cultural circumstances. An attempt is made to find an answer to the question why, stimulated by the highest motives of goodness statement, achievement of truth, realization of freedom and justice, a person seeking to embody these ideals in its activities, as a result often comes to the opposite, namely multiplies evil reigning in the world. The author of the article considers the problems of freedom and truth and the ways of their search in the context of modernity. In the optics of philosophy of I. Kant freedom belongs to the nominal world. However, today the problem of freedom is reduced to the problem of freedom of choice. The author proceeds from the statement that freedom is a metaphysical category. It is rooted in spiritual fundamentals of man’s existence where it is inextricably linked with the categories of truth, beauty and goodness. It is claimed that freedom as such is attainable only at the highest levels of consciousness. According to N.A. Ber­dyaev, freedom is a way of discovering the universe in oneself. The article analyzes the role of intellectual elite as the main creator and propagandist of symbolic values in the formation of sociopolitical, spiritual and moral picture of the world.

How to Cite
Blumenkranz , M. A. (2022). In a world of elusive meanings. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 155–175.