To the 200th anniversary of N.Ya. Danilevsky. N.Ya. Danilevsky's creative heritage: history and modernity. Materials of the round table

  • Sergey Ivanovich Bazhov RAS Institute of Philosophy
  • Aleksandra Yurievna Berdnikova Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ksenia Vladimirovna Vorozhikhina Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Olga Nikolaevna Danilevskaya
  • Ksenia Borisovna Ermishina Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad
  • Aleksey Valerievich Malinov St. Petersburg State University; Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences – Branch of the Federal Research Sociological Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vladimir Vitalievich Sidorin Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Andrey Vadimovich Smirnov Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Andrey Aleksandrovich Teslya St. Petersburg State University; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  • Olga Leonidovna Fetisenko Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: N.Ya. Danilevsky, history of Russian philosophy, Eurasianism, theory of cultural-historical types, civilizational approach


At the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the eve of the 200th an­niversary of Nikolay Ya. Danilevsky (1822–1885) on March 15, 2022 there was held a round­table "The Creative Legacy of N.Ya. Dani­lev­sky: H­istory and Modernity". Leading resear­chers in the history of Russian philosophy from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kaliningrad parti­ci­pated in this academic event. The presentations of the participants touched upon different aspects of the creative biography of the author of "Russia and Europe", analyzed the receptions of his ideas by both his contemporaries (V.I. Laman­sky, N.N. Stra­khov, K.N. Leontiev, N.I. Ka­reev, F.M. Dostoevsky, and V.S. Solovyov) and followers, including the ideologists of Eurasianism. There were discussed the contexts of the concept of "vsechelovecheskoe" (inherent in all human beings) pro­posed by Danilevsky as an alternative to the con­cept of "obshchechelovecheskoe" (com­mon to mankind), the origins of Dani­lev­sky's ideas and the history of the manuscript of "Russia and Europe," the contexts of the critique of his ideas, and the history of Danilevsky's Mshatka estate and theme parks, demonstrating the theory of cultural-historical types. Participants noted the ambiguous attitude to Dani­lev­sky's teachings, both in the 19th century and to­day, the controversial nature of many of Dani­lev­sky's ideas, and even the controversial nature of his affiliation with the Slavophile movement. The majority agreed that Danilevsky is the founder of the civilizational trend in Russian humanities, the relevance of which is becoming more and more evident.

How to Cite
Bazhov , S. I., Berdnikova, A. Y., Vorozhikhina, K. V., Danilevskaya , O. N., Ermishina, K. B., Malinov, A. V., Sidorin , V. V., Smirnov , A. V., Teslya , A. A., & Fetisenko , O. L. (2022). To the 200th anniversary of N.Ya. Danilevsky. N.Ya. Danilevsky’s creative heritage: history and modernity. Materials of the round table. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 101–150.