Scientific and philosophic heritage of E.L. Radlov in the context of the development of Russian philosophy in the late 19th – early 20th centuries
Исследование выполнено при поддержке РНФ (проект № 21-18-00153 «Идея империи и идея революции: два полюса русского общественно-политического мировоззрения в философии и культуре XIX–XXI веков (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет).
The article provides an attempt actualize the scientific and philosophical heritage of the historian of philosophy, translator and philologist Ernest L. Radlov. His biography, the period of study at St. Petersburg University are reconstructed. The authors point out that Radlov belonged to the philosophical school of Mikhail I. Vladislavlev. It is shown that a significant influence on the formation of Radlov as a philosopher had business trips abroad. Although Radlov did not form any philosophical school, which he led during his years of teaching philosophy, a “Radloff circle” emerged from his students; this group of philosophers contributed to the development of intellectual culture in Russia. The article demonstrates Radlov’s scientific contribution to the study of the history of ancient, European and Russian philosophy. In addition to Radlov’s work, the article examines the cultural context of the era, as well as the external administrative and institutional framework within which science and philosophy developed in St. Petersburg in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The article points out that Radlov’s legacy still remains incompletely studied by historians of philosophy, as does his biography, which still contains lacunas and inaccuracies