Reception paradigms of L. P. Karsavin’s philosophy in German studies

  • Oksana Nazarova The Institute of the personal consultation
Keywords: intercultural philosophy communication, polylogue, G. A. Wetter, L. P. Karsavin, Ours–Alien dichotomy, Eurasianism, Christian humanism.


The author focuses on the com­mu­ni­cation between philosophical cultures as a form of intercultural communication to conclude that it is a po­ly­logue. It is shown that the leading role is played here by a historian of philo­so­phy who can either arouse or block the interest to a philosopher. S. L. Frank’s ideas help the author to stress that the traditional intercultural communication Ours–Alien dicho­to­my can be transformed into that of Ours–Other. Thus, the goal of intercultural philosophy communication is seen in the overcoming of the ontological alienation between its participants to achieve the state of I–You-relation­ship, when the Other becomes to feel belonging to the culture he studies and at the same time keeps his otherness. G. A. Wetter’s interpretation of Karsavin’s phi­lo­sophical works is analyzed to prove that a historian of philosophy is ­able to deeply understand the ideas of a philosopher living in different cultural and religious en­vi­ron­ment. The author argues that considering Kar­sa­vin’s perso­na­lism in the paradigm of Christian huma­nism can make his works more interesting for Euro­pean scholars. Treating Karsavin’s metaphy­sics as a justification for Eurasianism (Julia Melikh) makes it possible to consider his position as part of actual European philosophy. It is con­clu­ded that in or­der to achieve the goal of in­ter­cul­tural philo­so­phy communication historians of phi­lo­so­phy should thoroughly understand their own culture and that of the philosopher studied.


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How to Cite
Nazarova, O. (2018). Reception paradigms of L. P. Karsavin’s philosophy in German studies. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 7-16. Retrieved from