“The Kingdom of Spirit is to be free and multicoloured” (Leonid Gabrilovich and Semyon Frank)

  • Gennadiу Alyayev Poltava National Technical University
Keywords: epistemology, metaphysics, dativismus, absolute realism, solipsism of the present moment (extreme solipsism), L. E. Gabrilovich, S. L. Frank, Russian philosophy.


The article provides a study of personal and creative relationships between the two Russian philosophers of the first half of the 20th century Leonid Gabrilovich and Semyon Frank. It is shown that Gabrilovich, although he did not become a landmark figure in the Golden Age of Russian philosophy, nevertheless played a certain role in its development, having published a number of interesting works in Russian and German philosophical journals in the 1900–1910s. His theory of knowledge – also known as dativismus – is considered with respect to its connections with the ideas of Wilhelm Schup­pe’s immanence philosophy, Neo-Kantianism, and Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. The author analyzes the similarities and differences between the theory of knowledge elaborated by S. Frank in the context of absolute realism and that one which was proposed by L. Gabrilovich in the context of dativismus. He also compares L. Gabrilovich’s philosophical and epistemological views expressed in his works in the 1900–1910s with those expressed in 1950. It is concluded that in spite of the fact that the Russian philosophers differently understood the object and essence of philosophy, L. Gabri­lo­vich regarded S. Frank as his philosophical alter ego and respected his position.


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How to Cite
Alyayev, G. (2018). “The Kingdom of Spirit is to be free and multicoloured” (Leonid Gabrilovich and Semyon Frank). Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 98-142. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/36