Philosophy of polylogue

  • Alexey Malinov Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: polylogue, intercultural philosophy, history of philosophy, co-thinking, equality, intellectual tradition, philosophy and culture, truth, reason


The article considers a new tendency in historical and philosophical studies – intercultural philosophy, or philosophy of polylogue. This kind of philosophy is expected to be an alternative to comparativism as a methodology of historical and philosophical research, on the one hand, and to postmodernist philosophy, which leads to relativism by rejecting the possibility of comprehending truth, on the other hand. Polylogue philosophy is based on the principles asserting the equality of philosophical traditions, schools, trends, the possibility to achieve truth in different ways, the dependence of philosophical cognition on the cultural, social and ideological conditions. This makes it possible for all contemporary philosophers, regardless of their positions, to discuss urgent problems as well as to look for the support of philosophers of the past. Since philosophy is the result of original, creative thinking, it is wrong to believe that European philosophical tradition is the only true one. Polylogue philosophy should develop without considering European philosophy to be the necessary example to follow. Instead of imitating great European thinkers, we should take into account different doctrines appeared in different countries on condition that they resulted from creative and original philosophizing. The intercultural methodology allows to gain a real meeting of minds between philosophers rather than to grasp the absolute truth. It is mutual understanding that is really important nowadays. Therefore, modern philosophy should be polylogical.


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How to Cite
Malinov, A. (2017). Philosophy of polylogue. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 7-11. Retrieved from