Exo-Zen as a surrogate of Japanese Zen Buddhism in the modern Russian mass culture
The article is devoted to the exo-zen phenomenon and its features in modern Russian mass culture. The way of transformations of classical Zen Buddhism, originated in India, perceived in China and developed in Japan as a general cultural phenomenon is shown. The Japanese Zen-Buddhism came to the West in the 20th century and transformed into the globalized Zen (globo-zen) as a modern synthetic religious trend. A modern version of globo-zen, exo-Zen, emerged as a result of combining Zen-Buddhist practices with Western mass culture, is analyzed. The term “exo-zen” includes two shades of meaning: exoteric and exotic. The modern exo-zen is claimed to be a psycho-technical or general theoretical instruction to various types of activities – business, production, artistic creativity, sports, entertainment, etc. As an international mass movement, which has an intensely general cultural and socially-organizing meaning, exo-zen has had a serious impact on cinema and animation (anime, manga), computer games, the sphere of youth leisure (cosplay, selfie) etc. From the philosophical point of view, exo-zen is a nonreligious, polyethnic, and multicultural trend in the modern mass culture. As part of the Russian modern mass culture, exo-zen is considered on examples of its various manifestations in literature (A. Chanyshev, G. Arsenyev, V. Pelevin, S. Koval, Yu. Holin, R. Dolya), painting (M. Shemyakin, A. Khlobystin), in the sphere of entertainment. Both positive and negative aspects of the exo-zen popularity in modern Russian mass culture are noted.
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