Slavic reciprocity in the philosophy of the Slavs of Central Europe (contribution of V. S. Solovyov and T. Špidlík)

  • Elena Gregova University of Trnava
Keywords: Slavdom, tradition, personality, unity, Slavic reciprocity, humanistic culture


The article provides an analysis of the etymological genesis and meanings of the notions “idea” and “reciprocity” in the context of European philosophy. It is stressed that the concept “reciprocity” which is an identifying characteristic of the Slavic culture differs from the notion “idea” widespread in the Western philosophy. First of all, reciprocity implies a candid constructive dialogue and a friendly atmosphere. The phenomenon of the Slavic can be considered as a whole in the stages of its development due to the fact that the Slavonic peoples differ from each other, on the one hand, and have the same spiritual essence, on the other. V. S. Solovyov’s and T. Špid­lík’s contributions to the development of the Slavic ideas are discussed. T. Špidlík and Pope John Paul II believed that there exists a “Slavic force” able to restore the moral foundations in Europe and the world by means of Christian values. The author shows that the Slavs differ from other Europeans due to their specific religiosity which helps them better understand the basic truths concerning man, the meaning of life and history, etc. In the West, these truths seem to be lost and forgotten. Unfortunately, nowadays there can be seen two negative tendencies that prevent the preservation and development of the Slavic unity: first, the internal disintegration of Slavic cultures; se­cond, the recurring conflicts bet­ween the Slavic peoples. These tendencies should be carefully studied and analyzed.


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How to Cite
Gregova , E. (2017). Slavic reciprocity in the philosophy of the Slavs of Central Europe (contribution of V. S. Solovyov and T. Špidlík). Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 17-30. Retrieved from