The semantic significance of Slavophilism according to Konstantin Kavelin

  • Elena Mikhailova Tver State Technical University
Keywords: Russian philosophy, Slavophiles, Westerners, positivism, K. D. Kavelin, Russian culture, self-awareness, morality


А constructive and critical evaluation of Slavophilism made by the Russian historian of law, public figure and positivist K. D. Kavelin is analyzed. It is claimed to be constructive because Kavelin presented the Slavophil doctrine as an integral cultural, historical and philosophical model. His telling criticism can be seen in his analysis of the practical significance of Slavophile ideas. By means of the hermeneutic methodology as well as historical and philosophical analysis the author proves that Kavelin’s approach to Slavophilism is polyvariant. The polyvariant approach enabled Kavelin to act as a reconciler of extremes. Being a supporter of the multifactorial study of history, culture and society, he warned against the danger of any idealization. This explains why Kavelin criticized both Slavophiles who idealized the traditional forms of Russian culture and Westerners who felt an undue admiration for the achievements of European culture. It is shown that Kavelin deeply appreciated the contribution of Slavophiles to the development of Russian culture in the unity of its spiritual forms – science, philosophy, theology and philosophy of history. Kavelin believed that Slavophiles due to their idealistic views and patriotic ideas can be regarded as a moral benchmark for the younger generation that grows under the circumstances of post-reform Russia. However, his sympathy did not prevent Kavelin from pointing out the impracticability of the Slavophiles’s project. In conclusion, the author reviews the most important interpretations of Kavelin’s statements concerning Slavophiles made by other Russian researchers, such as P. N. Milyu­­kov in particular.



Kavelin, K.D. Zloby dnya [The evils of the day], in Kavelin, K.D. Sobranie so-chineniy [Collected works], Vol. 3: Nauka, filosofiya i literature [Science, philoso-phy and literature], St. Petersburg: Printing house of M. M. Stasyulevich, 1899.

Kavelin, K.D. Moskovskiye slavyanofily sorokovykh godov [Moscow Slavophiles of the forties], in Kavelin, K.D. Sobranie sochineniy [Collected works], Vol. 3: Nau-ka, filosofiya i literature [Science, philosophy and literature], St. Petersburg: Printing house of M. M. Stasyulevich, 1899.

Milyukov, P.N. Glavnyye techeniya russkoy istoricheskoy mysli. T. 1 [The main trends of Russian historical thought], Moscow: Printing house of T. Kushnerev and Co., 1898.

Mikhaylova, Ye.Ye., Belchevichen, S.P. Pozitivizm i marksizm v Rossii: problema sotsiokul'turnogo razvitiya [Positivism and Marxism in Russia: the problem of so-cial and cultural development], Tver: SFC office, 2012.

How to Cite
Mikhailova , E. (2017). The semantic significance of Slavophilism according to Konstantin Kavelin. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 129-135. Retrieved from