K. S. Aksakov: “the path of the inner truth” of the Russian people and modernity

  • Elena Kosarskaya Tver State Technical University
Keywords: Russian philosophy, Slavophilism, K. S. Aksakov, morality, Christian faith, communal system


S. Aksakov’s concept “the path of inner truth” is considered through the prism of the actual problems «global/local», «state/civil». It is shown that this concept implies the ability of the Russian people to independently develop its culture by means of relying on the historical traditions – communal way of life and Christian faith. It is stressed that Aksakov opposed the path of “external” truth to the path of “inner” truth. The first path (civilizational) involves establishing external regulations for the life of the people and is dangerous because it may lead to neglecting the basic historical traditions. The second path (cultural) involves the gradual development of common spiritual and moral principles of public order. It is emphasized that, according to Aksakov, Russian history is that of the people rather than of the state. The history of Russia is based on the age-old system of relations between the “state” and the “land”, i. e. the authorities and the people. Aksakov insisted that the government should exist for the sake of the people. In order to do its best, the government should be autocratic. The Russian thinker believed that the true autocracy enables the people to enjoy their right of free speech. It is concluded that Aksakov’s concept “the path of inner truth” implies the unity of the civilizational and cultural ways of the development of Russia, the latter being more important. It is Aksakov’s idea of the necessity to restore the “path” rather than “conditions” of pre-Petrine Russia that should be realized nowadays as it helps to find a conflict-free way of the cultural and historical development of Russia by means of reviving its traditions.


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How to Cite
Kosarskaya , E. (2017). K. S. Aksakov: “the path of the inner truth” of the Russian people and modernity. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 145-154. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/74
To the 200th Anniversary of K.S. Aksakov's birth