L. P. Karsavin’s concept of true death and the “synthetic” image of Jesus Christ in F. M. Dostoevsky’s works

  • Igor Evlampiev Saint-Petersburg State University
  • Victor Kupriyanov Saint-Petersburg branch of the S.I. Vavilov Institute for the history of science and technology of the RAS
Keywords: L. P. Karsavin, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, V. S. Solovyov, death, “synthetic nature” of Jesus Christ.


The article provides a thorough analysis of the specific way L. Karsavin interpreted the all-unity conception. The mundane world was regarded by him as an imperfect state of All-Unity in which the process of disintegration of the whole into a number of elements and the counter process of integration are separated, temporary and “stiff” in an interim position which determines the spatial form of the world. Human personality was claimed by Karsavin to be the only entity able to continue and complete the process of being separation in order to let being achieve the form of absolute all-unity. This is believed to be the genuine death of a personality. Jesus Christ as a perfect personality died this way and then resurrected from the dead as an “ecumenical”, “synthetic” personality whose body is all the spatial world. The Russian writer F. Dostoevsky was the first to propose such an understanding of death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the authors, similar ideas can be found in the works of L. Tolstoy and V. Solovyov. It is concluded that Karsavin continued this tendency within the Russian all-unity philosophy.


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How to Cite
Evlampiev , I., & Kupriyanov, V. (2019). L. P. Karsavin’s concept of true death and the “synthetic” image of Jesus Christ in F. M. Dostoevsky’s works. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 20-39. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/80