N. A. Shanin and the training of specialists in logic at the SPbSU Faculty of Philosophy

  • Eduard Karavayev Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: N. A. Shanin, mathematical (symbolic) logic, algorithm, Turing machine, constructive logic, deductive system.


The article examines the formation and development of the paradigm of teaching mathematical (symbolic) logic to students-philosophers of St. Petersburg State University from 1991 to 2000. Its creator and leading performer was N. A. Shanin (1919–2011). Many logicians we­re taught by him and his followers I. N. Brod­sky and O. F. Serebryannikov. Professor Shanin tought the courses “Mathematics for philosophers”, “Mathematical logic”, “Algorithms and recursive functions”, “Turing machines”, “Algorithm theory”, “Constructive logic”. He conducted the seminars “Logic in the problems of artificial intelligence”, “Deductive systems”, “The theory of deductive systems and its application”. Shanin actively participated in the scientific work, delivered lectures at many scientific conferences, was an academic adviser for a lot of postgraduate students helping them to write dissertations. Every year the representatives of both the “mathematical” and “philo­so­phical classes” of the Shanin school parti­ci­pa­te in the conference Days of St. Petersburg Philosophy. They also take part in conferences organized by mathematical logicians of the St. Petersburg branch of the V. A. Steklov Ma­the­matical Institute. Due to Shanin’s activity the scientific and methodological work of the SPbSU De­partment of Logic was improved.


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How to Cite
Karavayev , E. (2019). N. A. Shanin and the training of specialists in logic at the SPbSU Faculty of Philosophy. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 117-138. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/86