L. P. Karsavin about the possible fates of Russia

  • Надежда Анатольевна Чупахина Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: Russian idea, Orthodox Christianity, L. P. Karsavin, scientific and techni¬cal progress, transfiguration of the world.


This essay is a short research of the heritage of the Russian thinker Leo Karsavin in terms of his attitude towards “the Russian idea”, the Orthodox Christianity and the destinies of Russia. It is stressed that due to the integrity of Karsavin’s theoretical view, his thoughts are remarkably up-to-date and close to the ideas of modern orthodox thinkers. Today’s situation in Russia and in the world is compared with the time when Karsavin wrote his works. Karsavin speaks not only about the possibility but also about the ethical necessity to realize the Russian idea. At the same time it has become obvious that the meaning of the Russia’s historical existence does not coincide with the common European view which includes technical progress as a panacea. On the whole, Karsavin’s view on the historical process in Russia can be thought of as positive. His belief in great future for Russia relies upon the prophetic utterances of F. M. Dostoyevsky and on his list of Christian qualities of the Russian people. Among them are meekness, mercifulness, the hanger and thirst for the truth. At the same time Karsavin pays attention to the negative qualities of the Russian people. The author considers the Soviet history as an incomplete and distorted realization of the Russian idea. As for Karsavin’s understanding of “the Russian idea”, it is similar to many Russian orthodox philosophers’ view on it as God’s intention for Russia. It is concluded that “the Russian idea” is the task for fulfillment. It includes the maintenance of a strong social state, protection of the traditional family values and the culture in whole, upholding high ethical standards, support of the talented people and so on.


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How to Cite
Чупахина , Н. А. (2019). L. P. Karsavin about the possible fates of Russia. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 153-174. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/88