Higher education of women at the tsarist university of Warsaw

  • Katarzyna Turonek-Ostrowska University of Zielona Góra
Keywords: Higher Women’s courses, higher education for women, teaching philosophy, University of Warsaw


The article provides an analysis of the process of obtaining higher education by women at the Tsarist University of Warsaw in 1869–1915. The non-formal ways of getting female educa-tion in the 1880s in Warsaw the socalled Flying University, etc.) are considered against the background of growing public awareness and demand for women’s vocational education and recognition of their professional activities. In 1908, the Higher Women’s Courses were organized at the University of Warsaw by analo-gy with the Bestuzhev courses in St. Peters-burg), which included three faculties: historical and philological, physical, mathematical, and legal. The administrative center of the courses was located in the building of the University of Warsaw. The educational program of the Higher Women’s Courses was partly based on the university program, among the lecturers there were professors of the University of Warsaw. The courses were under strict state control and were supposed to compete with other pri-vate courses, for this reason the curriculum was quite diverse and attractive. It included research expeditions to improve studying the humanities and natural sciences. In 1911, an expedition was organized to St. Petersburg, and in 1913 to the city of Dombrov-Gurnich. The article fo-cuses on the study of the education structure at the Faculty of History and Philology with an emphasis on the philosophical subjects pro-gram


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How to Cite
Turonek-Ostrowska , K. (2018). Higher education of women at the tsarist university of Warsaw. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 89-101. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/16

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