Russian constitutionalism considered in the historical and philosophical perspectives

  • Igor Osipov Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: constitutionalism, philosophy of law, Russian Constitution


The author of the article examines the origins of the constitutional process in Russia. He shows that it is in the pre-revolutionary period when such problems as those of the abolition of serfdom, building a classless society, creating a state of law, ensuring social justice, protecting human rights were widely discussed in the Rus-sian society. It is stressed that all these prob-lems were considered in a creative dialogue with the constitutional ideas elaborated in Euro-pe, primarily with the conception of a state of common good, the principle of separation of powers, the ideals of democracy and civil soci-ety. The author analyzes the two main para-digms of Russian constitutionalism that em-erged in the 18th century: constitutionalism, which politically and legally restricts supreme power to protect the interests of a particular social group or class; constitutionalism, im-plying the necessity to limit the supreme power. The first paradigm originates from Anna Ioan-novna’s “Conditions” 1730), the second one refers to Catherine’s the Great “Instructions for the commission to make up a project of the New Code” 1767). In the context of the devel-opment of Russian constitutionalism, the politi-cal and philosophical views of A. N. Radish-chev, M. M. Speransky, A. I. Herzen, B. N. Chi-cherin, P. B. Struve, L. A. Tikhomirov, I. A. Il-lyin and others are analyzed. It is concluded that the modern Russian Constitution is the re-sult of a reasonable compromise between dif-ferent values and positions, as it takes into ac-count and develops all the constitutional ideas appeared in previous periods, both pre-revolu-tionary and Soviet.


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How to Cite
Osipov, I. (2018). Russian constitutionalism considered in the historical and philosophical perspectives. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 127-140. Retrieved from