List of works of Ernest Leopoldovich Radlov (1854–1928)

Исследование выполнено по гранту РНФ № 21-18-00153 «Идея империи и идея революции: два полюса русского общественно-политического мировоззрения в философии и культуре XIX–XXI веков» (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет).

  • Viktor A. Kypriyanov St. Petersburg branch of the S.I. Vavilov Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology of the RAS; Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences - branch of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Ernest L. Radlov, bibliography, history of philosophy, philosophy in St. Petersburg, Vladimir S. Solovyov


For the first time, a complete list of scientific works by the Russian philosopher Ernest L. Radlov (1854–1928) is published in the article. The list is structured as follows: his own works, litho­graphed courses, editorial work, and translations. Within the headings, Radlov’s works are listed in chronological order. An analysis of Radlov’s publication activity is given. The author points out that most of the Russian philosopher’s works are dictionary articles, as well as reviews written by Radlov as editor of the Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. The article shows that the basis of Radlov’s research work was formed by his works on historical-philosophical and literary problems. In the center of Radlov’s attention were the history of ancient philosophy, the history of New Age philosophy, especially German idealism, and the history of Russian philosophy. It is pointed out that Radlov’s contribution to the Russian philosophical culture includes his trans­lations of a number of classical philosophical works (those of Aristotle, Democritus, Empedocles, and Helvetius). It is mentioned that a major part of Radlov’s scientific work was editorial activity, including editing translations of philosophical texts into the Russian language (in particular, Radlov was the editor of the first Russian translation of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit), as well as such significant philosophical publications of the time as New Ideas in Philosophy and Pioneers of Positivism.

How to Cite
Kypriyanov , V. A. (2023). List of works of Ernest Leopoldovich Radlov (1854–1928). Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 91–112.