Quiet power of thinking (reflections on the fate of the historian of philosophy in the modern world)

  • Tatiana Suhodub The cetre of the humanities of the Hational academy of sciences of the Ukraine
Keywords: G. E. Alyaev, historian of philosophy, history of Russian philosophy, specificity of historical and philosophical knowledge, philosophical community


The article discusses the creative way of Gennadiy Alyaev in the context of the history of philosophy, its tasks and specifics. Bibliography as a visible result of the philosopher’s creative activity can be explained not only in terms of the topics and problems studied, but also by taking into account his biography and socio-cultural realities of life. Therefore, region study is used as the methodology which involves studying “memory places”, the connection of “place”, “time” and “thought” of the philosopher, using verbal and non-verbal sources in the analysis. The history of philosophy is understood, firstly, as the history of philosophies, which are a polyphony of unique intellectual and ideological positions that recreate the work of individuals, secondly, as the activity of philosophical communities, helping to discover talents and to form a philosophical worldview. In the first aspect the philosophical and scientific work of G. E. Alyaev is aimed at studying the philosophy of S. L. Frank – the thinker who uses both ethical and philosophical-anthro­po­lo­gi­cal discourses in order to understand the spiritual foundations of social being and create intellectual conditions for the moralization of social and political relations. The second aspect of the activity of the historian of philosophy is as important as the first one because it implies the historian of philosopher being responsible for the Others and for the actuality of Philosophy, that is, for creating the proper philosophical culture of people.


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How to Cite
Suhodub, T. (2018). Quiet power of thinking (reflections on the fate of the historian of philosophy in the modern world). Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 85-97. Retrieved from http://polylogue.jourssa.ru/index.php/polylogue/article/view/35