Formation of the ethno-energy concept of Slavism in Ancient Russia

  • Viktoria Kravchenko Moscow Aviation Institute
Keywords: ethnos, energy, passionarity, ethnogenesis, the Slavs, the Ruses, Russian mentality, universal feeling


For the first time the “ethnos” and “energy” concepts were connected in Lev Gumilyov’s teaching on the basis of the passionarity doctrine. The concept of “energies” and their hierarchy are considered in the article in the context of John Bennett’s researches. The ethnos is regarded as a special socio-cultural integrity developing after a passionarity stimulus and existing at the expense of an outlay and redistribution of the passional energy. The ethnos is determined by the existence of a unique structure of internal stereotypes of behavior of community members, the same outlook, a way of culturation of basic emotions, formation of cultural experiencies and feelings, assimilation and maintaining of traditions, customs, and ordinary practices. The ethno-energetic transformations of the Slavs are specifically considered and examined, the system of their external interactions with other ethnoses concerning with the Slavs, and then with the Russian ethnos in its self-identifying and/or transformation is described. Some ethno-energetic versions of the sources and features of the Slavs’ ethnogenesis, historic and cultural troubles of the all-Slavs, and then the Old-Russian super-ethnoses are offered. Except the inevitable phase transitions in ethnogenesis, some more difficult processes in centuries-old dynamics of our ancestors ethnoses – a self-induction, increasing of the system energy due to redistribution and attraction of additional energy from outside are defined. In the created Russian mentality some features of the universal feelings manifestation are considered.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, V. (2018). Formation of the ethno-energy concept of Slavism in Ancient Russia. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 191-204. Retrieved from