Images of the Japanese culture in modern Russia

  • Anatoly Alekseev-Apraksin Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: polylogue, image of Japan, co-thinking, intellecual tradition, philosophy and culture, truth, reason


The processes of interaction, convergence, and synthesis of cultures provide rich material for studying history and modernity, as they represent one of the main resources for the development of the world. Intercultural contacts have comparisons and assessments, argue the need to preserve ethnic identity, and at the same time generate a desire for innovation. Acquaintance with other cultures makes it possible to better understand the bases of one’s own culture and the cultural codes of other peoples, contributing to the identification of universal values and enriching each side of the communication with the experience of self-knowledge. The article states that, despite political uncertainty, Russia is developing a positive image of Japan. It is noted that the most interesting cultural phenomena are not created by globalization, but by specific, unique Japanese factors. There are examples of successful borrowings in the technical and technological field, everyday life, art sphere, ethics, and aesthetics. Significant, though not massive, are the receptions of Japan’s self-actualization practices, capable of reducing the neurosis of consumer activity and bringing harmony and balance to life. In particular, the author talks about Zen, which suggest that we should take life as a spontaneous, intuitively conscious act and encourages intellectuals to exit from textual limitations. Identifying the presence of positive potential in all areas of intercultural contacts and the absence of significant competitive environments, the author concludes that relations between Russia and Japan can be built on the principle of complementarity since there is a powerful potential for mutually enriching cultural exchange


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How to Cite
Alekseev-Apraksin , A. (2017). Images of the Japanese culture in modern Russia. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 12-20. Retrieved from