Krakow meetings – 2017

  • Viktor Kupriyanov St.Petersburg Branch of S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the RAS
Keywords: Krakow meetings, Khomiakov, Slavophilism, sobornost’, Russian philosophy


The article is devoted to the overview of the “Krakow Meetings conference on Russian philosophy – 2017”, which took place in Krarow from 28th to 31st of May, 2017. A brief description of the conference and the most important reports is given. The Krakow conferences on Russian philosophy have already become a good tradition. The 2017 conference was the eighth. The thematic field of the conference was dealt with A. Khomiakov’s views, in particular the notion of sobornost’. The key idea of the conference borrowed from the works of Khomiakov appeared to be unity and universality of the world and culture in the face of the crisis of social fragmentation and atomization. To create a space for a dialog and communication between people of different philosophical and religious beliefs was the main objective of the conference. The problems dealt with an intercultural dialog, nationalism and the relation between science and religion were among the main ones discussed by the conference participants. Some historical-philosophical issues concerning the creative work of Khomiakov and Slavophiles were touched upon as well. The theoretical part of the conference is presented in the form of a review of the most striking reports (of the 46 reports are mentioned 13, delivered at different thematic sections of the conference). It is concluded that scientific events like the Krakow Meetings are important as they help to erect philosophical bridges between countries, peoples, and confessions.


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How to Cite
Kupriyanov, V. (2017). Krakow meetings – 2017. Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 155-166. Retrieved from