Slavdom, Slavic reciprocity, ideologization: philosophy, theology, ideology, social-cultural practice

  • Irina Morozova Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture
Keywords: Slavdom, Slavic reciprocity, ideologization, social-cultural practices, actualization of the Cyril and Methodius idea


Interpretations of the Slavdom idea, classification of basic approaches to the problem of Slavic reciprocity formed in the theological-philo­sophi­cal literature have been actualized. It is stated that the concepts that formed the Slav­dom ideology appeared due to the Church Slavonic language. In the works of Russian and foreign philosophers, culturologists and theologians the Slavic identity has been quite distinctly specified as a special historical-cultural, civilizing type. However, the belief that Christianity provided the grounds for Slavic reciprocity doesn’t necessarily involve the theory of pan-Slavism. The heritage of Cyril and Methodius is the key component in the official ideology of Slavic peoples’ Orthodox identity. The Christian meanings of embodiment, creative activity, world redemption etc. as well as patriotism interpreted as a moral duty to serve the Motherland are pointed out in the Church Slavonic language and this way formed a cultural identity of ancient Slavonic peoples. The most important aspect of the Slavdom idea stressed in the philosophical and theological tradition is the concept of spiritual lingua-cul­tu­ral identity. However, having become a part of the ideology, some traditional spiritual and cultural ideas of Slavdom, first of all the idea of  Slavic reciprocity, are misunderstood. The author concluds that to revitalize and actualize the esthetic interpretation of the Cyril and Metho­dius component of the Slavdom idea is possible in the context of the constructive synthesis of scientific, discursive and social-cultural practices.


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How to Cite
Morozova , I. (2017). Slavdom, Slavic reciprocity, ideologization: philosophy, theology, ideology, social-cultural practice. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 44-53. Retrieved from