Correlation of mythological and rational aspects in the doctrine of Byzantinism

  • Marina Savelyeva Center for Humanitarian Education, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: Byzantism, myth, rationality, continuity, culture, civilization


The article deals with the phenomenon of Byzantinism, explores its basis as a historical and cultural phenomenon and state ideology. It is shown that the mythological essence of Byzantinism consists in the substitution of universal philosophical meanings: the succession of the geographical space of the Roman Empire was considered as a criterion for inheritance of the Christian idea. Redefined in the Christian tradition, the ancient principle of the identity of the material and spiritual aspects of society as a principle of religious and cultural continuity constituted the basis for this substitution. Later, this principle took shape of the religious and political concept of “Moscow, the Third Ro­me”, according to which Moscow acted as a successor to both “first” and “second” Rome. The advantages of Byzantium doctrine were determined by its mythological essence and consisted in the ability to adapt to objective circumstances and to the peculiarities of others’ mentality (mythological universalism) and to rely both on the church and state. The same mythology gave birth to a number of negative phenomena, such as the denial of free thought, inability to form a responsible attitude of a person to the world, displacing individual experience of thinking with collective manifestations of social consciousness (ideology), the policy of church governmentalization. Despite Byzantinism was a contradictory doctrine, it has become a productive and original basis for the development of world view and philosophical concepts in Russia. In particular, V. S. Solovyov’s ideas of God-manhood and the Universal Church resulted from the doctrine of Byzantinism.


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How to Cite
Savelyeva , M. (2017). Correlation of mythological and rational aspects in the doctrine of Byzantinism . Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 54-64. Retrieved from