Organic self-consciousness of the cultural era

  • Vladimir Baryshkov N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University
Keywords: philosophical reflection, values, organicism, intuitivism, intentionality


Values are considered to be a form of worldview, the content of which is produced by philosophy within a certain cultural era and is subject to philosophical reflection. Values fix cultural meanings from within the epoch, acting as elements of its consciousness and self-consciousness. This way philosophical values can represent the era and at the same time they can make it change by the very fact of their existence. Cultural eras, unlike historical or technological ones, are characterized by the human content (significance) of the processes and events taking place. What we call a culture should be defined as something specifically humane rather than what is simply dealt with man. The human meaning of a culture refers to plenty of personal understandings, unique and independent interpretations of what man does when doing something. Each cultural epoch is completed in case its self-consciousness results from the true and sincere understanding of the foundations of the culture. Therefore, the historical bounda­ries of cultural epochs are determined by the scale of hypocrisy in their internal space. The self-consciousness of a cultural era can be recognized as organic if its correlation with the social and cultural context is natural and rather harmonious. The harmonious self-consciousness of a cultural era is possible if it is consistent with the real space-time parameters of the culture on the basis of a value intentionality. In this respect, the problem of the unity of thinking and being, as well as the use of social and epistemological approaches to studying the history of Russian philosophy are considered. This helps to analyze the phenomenon of organicism in Russian philosophy and culture


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How to Cite
Baryshkov , V. (2017). Organic self-consciousness of the cultural era. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 67-76. Retrieved from