Contemporary receptions of Russian religious thought in Slovakia (on an example of the analysis of Jan Komorovsky’s works)
The author points out the contemporary receptions of Russian religious thought in Slovakia by means of the analysis of Jan Komorovsky’s works in the period after November 1989 up to the present day. Professor Komorovsky is known in Slovakia primarily as a Slavist – a Russian language specialist, religionist and founder of the scientific specialization of religious studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava. In the article, he is represented as a well-known translator and follower of Russian religious philosophy in Slovakia. The author describes Jan Komorovsky’s translation initiatives and also analyzes his reception of some ideas of Russian religious philosophers, mainly V. S. Solovyov, N. A. Berdayev, L. Shestov, A. V. Men. The author concludes that Jan Komorovsky tried to emphasize the importance of many ideas of Russian religious philosophers, in particular the ideas of unity, universalism and ecumenism, which he believed to be especially relevant today. He also strove to determine a contextual framework for the assimilation and translation of these progressive ideas. That is why Jan Komorovsky, working with factual data, never hesitated to analyze and philosophically interpret them. Largely thanks to the work of Jan Komorovsky, Russian religious philosophy has become the subject of closer scientific study in post-socialist Slovakia.
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