Irrationalistic dialectics by L. P. Karsavin
The article deals with the irrationalistic dialectics by L. P. Karsavin, which he considered absolute. It is shown that Karsavin’s dialectics resulted from his attempt to overcome the theoretical flaws of the rationalistic dialectics by Hegel and Marx. Karsavin’s interpretation of the notion “development” is analyzed and its advantages and disadvantages are stressed. It is proved that the Russian thinker proposed a mythological rather than rationalistic justification. The similarities and difference between Karsavin’s and Hegel’s dialectic theories are shown. It is claimed that Karsavin’s approach to some extent contradicts the Hegelian one, but in no way either improves or transforms it. The author concludes that the irrationalistic dialectical theory appeared due to the fact that Karsavin emphasized unity rather than contradiction. He believed that dialectical contradiction should be regarded as an obstacle in the way of philosophical cognition and therefore it should be removed. According to the philosopher, it is unity that characterizes development and helps us differ it from the other forms of action, such as “change” or “progress”, which are based on the principle of discreteness and opposition. Karsavin’s interrelation of dialectical theory and the principle of unity is also analyzed. According to Karsavin, the legislative structure of dialectics is a transcendental-logical expression of the Law of God, and the process of development seen from the position of absolute unity appears as infinite, continuous and absolute.
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