European liberalism in the mirror of I. A. Ilyin’s political philosophy

  • Viktor Kupriyanov Saint-Petersburg branch of the S.I. Vavilov Institute for the history of science and technology of the RAS
Keywords: I. A. Ilyin, liberalism, organicism, philosophy of freedom, state, understanding of law, Russian philosophy.


The article considers the way the European liberal tradition was transformed in I. Iyin’s political and legal philosophy. The basic principles of classical liberalism, among which the ideas of personal freedom, legal equality, republicanism and democracy, are reconstructed. The author points out that the conception of a sovereign personality is a distinguishing feature of the European liberal philosophy. Ilyin’s political and legal doctrine is analyzed in the context of the classical European liberalism. Some peculiarities of Ilyin’s doctrine such as criticism of social atomism and formal interpretation of state and law are considered. The key thesis is that Ilyin’s philosophy of law cannot be qualified as conservative. On the contrary, it should be referred to the tradition of European liberalism in its non-classical form. The author claims that Iliyn’s views on politics and law are a version of liberalism. To prove this statement he analyzes Ilyin’s conception of personality and shows that the doctrine of personal sovereignty and individual freedom can be regarded as referring to the classical European liberalism (J. Locke, I. Kant). The author demonstrates the historical-philosophical ties of Ilyin’s organic theory with the Russian 19 century liberal tradition. The research uses the traditional methods of studying the history of philosophy and philosophical hermeneutics. 


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How to Cite
Kupriyanov, V. (2019). European liberalism in the mirror of I. A. Ilyin’s political philosophy. Philosophical Polylogue, (2), 59-76. Retrieved from