Reunion with God: comparing and contrasting Kireyevsky’s and Solovyov’s philosophical and religious thoughts

  • Hongde Li University of London
Keywords: Slavophilism, allunity, God-mankind, love, beauty, Sophia, Orthodox theology, Great Schism, I. V. Kireyevsky, V. S. Solovyov, F. Schelling.


The article is mainly based on the comparative studies of philosophical positions of I. Ki­re­yev­sky and V. Solovyov, first of all their un­der­standing of the ideas of “all-unity”, “love” and “beauty”, their attitudes towards religion and utopian thoughts on the future of Russia. The comparison between Kireyevsky’s and So­lo­vyov’s philosophical thoughts is also aimed at presenting the process of ideological deve­lop­ment of Solovyov, beginning from his borrowing of the Slavophile philosophy to the in­no­va­tion of his own theories. This article is not only focused on the comparison, explanation or analysis of both philosophers’ ideas, it also pro­vides some criticism concerning the utopian ele­ments and vulnerabilities of both Slavo­phi­lism and Solovyov’s views, especially the con­ception of “Universal Church”. The cross-an­alysis of F. Schelling’s philosophy with both Kireyevsky’s and Solovyov’s philosophical views is also presented in this article. In fact, according to Ki­re­y­ev­sky, his philosophy to a large extent was influenced by Schelling, and the further de­ve­lopment of the Slavophile conception by Solovyov was stimulated by a dialogue with the Greman philosopher. A special attention was paid in the article to the analysis of Ki­reyevsky’s works collected in the book “Criticism and Aesthetics” and such Solo­vyov’s treatises as “Three Forces”, “The Philo­so­phical Principles of Integral Knowledge”, and “Lectures on God-mankind”. Also, some research works to support the main argu­ments in this article ae used.


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How to Cite
Li, H. (2018). Reunion with God: comparing and contrasting Kireyevsky’s and Solovyov’s philosophical and religious thoughts . Philosophical Polylogue, (1), 47-59. Retrieved from