Current Issue

No 1-2 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-03


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ISSN 2587-7283 (print)     

ISSN 2687-1297 (online)

The "Philosophical polylogue" is an international peer-reviewed journal in the field of the history of Russian philosophy, culture and science. The theoretical perspective of the journal is based on the intercultural philosophy and philosophy of polylogue. The philosophy of polylogue acknowledges the plurality and equality of cultures and civilizations. We strive to encourage the researches of Russian philosophy based on different methodologies and approaches which have potential for finding new features, themes, lines and movements in the Russian intellectual history. During its intellectual history, Russia exerted primarily the influence of Byzantine and later of the West (French, German and English thought). Since the times of the reforms of Peter the Great, Russian culture (including exact sciences, humanities, philosophy and arts) absorbed and adopted the West-European philosophy and science. Therefore, the history of Russian thought has long been considered as a sequence influences, borrowing from and imitations of the Western philosophical movements and trends, something which is not strange in the view of the fact that all principle trends and movements of the western philosophy echoed in the Russian thought of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The intercultural approach (philosophy of polylogue) strives to detect the specificity of the Russian westernization and to identify the core of Russian thought among the plurality of the intellectual borrowing from the West. However, we do not limit the scope of the journal with the intercultural approach and welcome all new and original researches of the Russian philosophy, including the studies in the field of Russian medieval thought and Soviet thought as well. The final aim of the journal is to serve as a useful and effective platform for communication of the scholars in the field of the history of Russian philosophy.

The journal is publiched by The International Foundation for the Support of Social Research and Education "Intersotsis"in colloboration with the department of the Russian philosophy and culture of the Saint-Petersburg State University. The editorial policy of the Journal is guided by the International centre for the Studies in the Russian philosophy.


Prof. Alexey V. Malinov (Saint-Petersburg state university, Institute of philosophy).